In Scotland, responders and resilience partners with the relevant expertise to complete the RRP RPA are brought together under each of the three RRPs, however, the RRPs do not have the power to direct individual members in the undertaking of their duties.
Each of the three RRPs identifies a RRP RPA Co-ordinator (generally from one of the Category 1 responders) who is supported by the Scottish Government Partnership Teams. Together they coordinate the multi-agency collaboration required to complete the RRP RPA.
The Local Resilience Partnerships (LRPs) have a key role in supporting RRPs to prepare by ensuring local arrangements are in place and promoting wider awareness of the roles and responsibilities to their members. Clear direction during preparation should ensure that emergency management structure and procedures are agreed in advance and supported by training and exercise.
The RRP RPA is not a mechanism for reporting to Scottish Ministers, however, RRPs may seek to transfer or highlight risks which are beyond regional capability and capacity through organisational governance structures or through the Scottish Resilience Partnership.