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At Ready Scotland we believe it’s helpful to think carefully and plan what you would do in an emergency before it happens.

Print this page or download the PDF to create your emergency plan, with key details and contacts in one safe place. 



Make sure that you include a copy of your household emergency plan along with your home emergency kit

Home Emergency Plan

If it is not safe to go out, then: 

  • Go indoors and close all the windows and doors
  • Stay indoors
  • Stay up to date using radio, TV or online

If there is no power, an FM radio powered by battery, solar or wind-up will keep you informed, including car radios. 

Write down the frequencies for resilient radio channels in advance – BBC Radio 2 (88-91 FM) and BBC Radio 4 (92-95 FM, 103-104 FM) – and keep these notes in a place which is easy to access in the dark.

Meeting places

If you have to leave home, have an agreed meeting place in advance and consider a local community hub if there is one. 

Family meeting place:

Community hub:

Take your emergency items in a waterproof bag.

Important numbers

  • Emergency services: 999
  • Non-emergency: 101
  • NHS24: 111
  • Loss of power: 105
  • Gas emergencies: 0800 111 999
  • Scottish Water:  0800 077 8778
  • SEPA's Floodline service: 0345 988 1188

YOUR important numbers

For example, childcare, doctors, insurance, vets etc



Once you know you and your family are safe, check on your neighbours and vulnerable people living close by. 

Stay Informed

Ready Scotland regularly publishes alerts on both Twitter and Facebook. Follow and like our pages to keep up to date wherever you are.