- The STAC operates as an advisory group and is not an operational group. Its focus is to provide practical advice on public health, environmental, scientific and technical issues to those responsible for mounting and coordinating the response to an emergency, in line with the strategic objectives set by the RP. The Scottish Government Resilience Room (SGoRR), when activated, will receive key points from STAC advice through the RP regular updates to SGoRR.
- While the STAC’s primary focus is to advise the RP, it may link with other structures at Scottish and UK national levels, as well as advise local groups. Any communication with national and local levels should be through the STAC chair, facilitated via the RP, to ensure advice is co-ordinated and in line with the strategic objectives set by the RP.
- A STAC can remain in place to advise the RPs in the later or recovery phase of an emergency, or might be first activated at this point. The composition of the STAC may change as the response progresses and the agenda and requirements of RPs change.
- Details of Scotland’s resilience management and governance structures are covered in the Preparing Scotland ‘Hub’ Guidance - Scottish Government - Preparing Scotland Guidance - Hub.
- Figure 1 is a simplified view of the emergency response structures in Scotland, showing the relationships between SGoRR, RPs, STAC and other functional arrangements.
Figure 1: Simplified emergency response structures in Scotland