The guidance has been developed from a wide range of Scottish, UK and international sources of expertise. These sources include work led by the Department of Health for the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) Joint Medical Committee and work conducted by the European Network for Traumatic Stress (TENTS) programme. In 2009 the authors of the NATO guidance and the TENTS guidelines combined the common principles and recommendations of both sets of guidance in a single document, Guidance for Responding to the Psychosocial and Mental Health Needs of People Affected by Disasters or Major Incidents. This document has formed the basis of the Scottish Government guidance.
Gill Moreton
Lead Clinician for Emergency Services, Rivers Centre for Traumatic Stress, NHS Lothian, Co-Author of Guidance
Claire Fyvie
Director, Rivers Centre for Traumatic Stress, NHS Lothian, Co-Author of Guidance
Jon Bisson
Consultant Psychiatrist and Director of Research and Development, Cardiff University School of Medicine & Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Pamela Dix
Executive Director, Disaster Action
Anne Douglas
Head of NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde’s Trauma Service
Chris Freeman
Consultant Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist, NHS Lothian President, UK Psychological Trauma Society
Alastair Hull
Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy NHS Tayside and University of Dundee
Susan Klein
Professor and Director, Aberdeen Centre for Trauma Research, Robert Gordon University
Alison Russell
Principal Psychologist, Stirling and Clackmannanshire Educational Psychological Service
Richard Williams
Professor of Mental Health Strategy, Welsh Institute for Health and Social Care, University of South Wales
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First published by the Scottish Government, November 2013
ISBN: 978-1-78412-004-7
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ISBN: 978-1-78412-005-4 (ePub)
Kindle eBook first published by the Scottish Government, November 2013
ISBN: 978-1-78412-006-1 (Mobi)
The Scottish Government St Andrew’s House Edinburgh EH1 3DG
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Published by the Scottish Government, November 2013