Our new Critical Infrastructure Resilience (CIR) Strategic Framework seeks to build on the successes of ‘Secure and Resilient’ by expanding our focus from Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) to the resilience of the wider Critical Infrastructure (CI) affecting Scotland. Building the resilience of Scotland’s critical infrastructure is the responsibility of Government, Industry and the Responder Communities. We believe that this can be best achieved through a Team Scotland approach that seeks to Keep Scotland Running and Keep Scotland Informed before, during and after CIR related emergencies. This is why Scottish Government has worked with public and private CIR stakeholders across Scotland to develop this CIR Strategic Framework (see Annex C).
Safeguarding Critical Infrastructure in Scotland through an all risks approach to Resilience in order to create sustainable economic growth and realise a Scotland where people are safe and feel safe.
To create a Scotland where our critical assets, systems and networks are resilient to all threats and hazards.
Guiding Principles
Provide leadership and direction to Critical Infrastructure Resilience (CIR) stakeholders promoting the message that Resilience is everyone’s business.
Support and encourage stakeholder arrangements based on collaboration, cooperation and a shared commitment to enhance CIR in Scotland.
Promote the assessment of risk and place preventative strategies at the forefront of our CIR continuous improvement approach.
Drive the delivery of CIR arrangements that seek to minimise disruption to the continuity of essential services in Scotland.
Strategic Priorities
Build on our ‘All Risks’ CIR model
- Taking a national and local risk assessment approach to CIR
- Includes all malicious threats and natural hazards
- Identifying the main risks and mitigating these in line with good business continuity principles
- Mitigation will be proportionate, realistic and achievable
Build on our existing CIR stakeholder arrangements
- Through a Cross-Sector approach
- Taking a collaborative, cooperative and shared commitment approach to the delivery of effective CIR in Scotland
- Building strong partnership engagement within the UK
Further enhance our ‘Integrated’ CIR approach
- Develop and implement a CIR delivery plan/programme to align with Ministerial expectations and Keeping Scotland Running – CIR Strategic Framework
- Identifying criticality, vulnerabilities, resilience levels and gaps
- Understanding Dependencies and Interdependencies between Sectors
- Developing coordinated and joined up solutions to address identified vulnerabilities
- Removing ‘silo working’ and breaking down the barriers between protective security and resilience work streams
Develop a culture of CIR Continuous Improvement
- Provision of a biennial Ministerial CIR Summary
- Establish an assurance framework that recognises the contribution of all CIR stakeholders
- Take an evidence-based, outcome-focussed approach to work programme delivery, which can measure success through effective governance
- Promote the concept of Business Resilience
Continue to influence CIR development Globally
- Collaborate with other CIR Stakeholders at home and abroad
- Providing a positive CIR vision for the future
- Engage in the International CIR Network (CIRINT.NET) in order to share best practice and learn from CIR initiatives - http://www.cirint.net/